Magic Pad Feature

The RealReal

In Store Ipad App Feature

Designer, User Research

There are some instances where you are able to solve a problem as well as wow the customer. The Magic Pad feature, was such a moment for us. The focus of this feature was to decrease the time it took for in-store experts to pull up info on items and reduce errors when searching. At the same time, allow the customers to compare information and pricing across multiple items, making their decision making process easier.

The Problem

“As an in-store expert, I would like to be able to pull up information on an item without needing to enter in an 8 - 12 character SKU, possibly returning the incorrect item or no results due to mistyping.”

The Approach

One of the initial requirements with items in the TRR store, was that they be RFID tagged. With this, items are more easily located within the store, inventory management becomes simplified for the back office, and security is easy to handle. All of these elements, while essential, didn’t make the shopping experience better for the customer.

In thinking about how we could already scan items with a dedicated RFID gun, we looked for ways of leveraging the ability to identify an item to enhance the customer experience.


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